NFT Marketplace

What was ClearDAO's original intention to create the NFT marketplace

ClearDAO’s vision is to build a community-driven marketplace where positions, portfolios, rights, exposures, etc., can be reasonably priced and freely traded within the ClearDAO ecosystem. We recognized early on that NFTs have the potential to store more information tailored to different transaction scenarios, especially the ability to carry more financial functions without compromising tradability.

Based on our belief in the potential of NFTs, we have long used NFTs as asset certificates in our derivatives templates. For example, if you tested the options demo we launched earlier this year, you may have noticed that we use ERC-1155 tokens to represent user positions and liquidity, rather than ERC20 tokens. We chose to follow the ERC-1155 standard because it brings rich function calls, and some of them even allow interaction with other smart contracts, which is more suitable for our transactions than ERC-721.

After deploying NFTs into our derivatives template, the next breakthrough point is to allow these NFTs with use value to be freely traded. A market that can transfer and trade financial rights, positions, and various use cases becomes essential.

Therefore, we have been developing a comprehensive NFT marketplace template starting with trading mainstream NFT types of transactions.

What's different from other NFT markets?

This marketplace will be slightly different from any NFT platform you’ve seen as we work to expand the boundaries in two directions, as shown below:

I. NFTs with use value are better presented

One direction of expansion is the type of NFT.We are using our strength to dig up multi-dimensional use cases of NFTs, and “NFT-based” financial positions are only part of it.As mentioned above, for the various uses of NFTs, the types of NFTs supported in our marketplace templates range from digital art, passes and tickets, and Metaverse assets to financial NFTs, credential NFTs, and more.

Listing different types of NFTs is not a difficult thing, and providing more convenience to display these NFTs instead of simply hanging a JPEG on the product page is something not being valued.Most NFTs with use value rely on descriptions and attributes to express their rights and underlying assets.Therefore, how we can better present these characteristics is the task we need to explore: to provide custom-made presentations suitable for different NFT types.

II. NFT trading is not just buy-and-sell

Another aspect of the expansion is the way to transact NFTs. We not only support buying and selling but also rental, financial lease, lending, etc. Among these new transaction methods, decentralized and permission-free financial leasing is attractive to many NFT players, as installment sales can significantly reduce the cost of participation. The premise of realizing financial leasing is to achieve completely on-chain, permissionless rental (or operating leasing) first, which barely not relies on human intervention or centralized backend systems.

What transactions can users make ?

In addition to trading, the following transaction method that our market template will bring is the “expirable” NFT rental market. NFT owners can choose either:

i) Sell their NFTs, namely transfer both the ownership & usage rights as a whole;

ii) Rent them out for a period, which means they still retain ownership but transfer usage right to the “user” who can only hold it for a preset period;

iii) Or, even choose to split the usage rights and rent each of them out to a batch of users, which means if your NFT involves patents, copyrights, licenses, or IP, you may need to authorize multiple people at the same time, each with a specific duration;

iv) Or, to be even more sophisticated, transfer ownership during the period in which the usage rights are being rented out, which we believe will eventually facilitate a free market to separate, price, and trade different property rights.

Last updated