Quick Start
Deploy option contract
Clone the clear contract repository.
Install system dependencies.
Customize the deployment script to meet your desired contract design.
Get the URL of the Ethereum node.
Deploy the script on the testnet.
Run the deployment script to deploy to the mainnet.
Deploy environment
Before starting the following steps, you need to install git
、 node
(v10.*.* and later). To compile the source code, you need to install truffle
Project source code
Run the following command to clone the source code of the repo project to the local
After entering the newly cloned project, run the following command to install the environment dependencies
Private Key and network
By creating a private key through metamask or other methods, you can use any network that supports the solidity language to deploy your contract. If you use the token price to make an index, you need to make sure that the network you chose has an available oracle. The networks currently deployed by ClearDAO include ETH, BSC and Abitrum (kovan, rinkeby and ropsten test networks), or private chains. After selecting the network, choose a reliable node. You can use geth to synchronize node or use a node similar to infura.
Last updated